Would you like to have a robinia in your garden? Then you have to pay attention to a few things. After all, this is a fairly large tree.

If you choose the black locust tree, you should bear in mind that it can grow very tall. The black locust can reach a height of up to 25 meters and a trunk circumference of up to one and a half meters. It is only suitable if you have a lot of space in the garden. In addition, robinias grow quickly and are resilient. Because the leaves resemble the acacia, robinias are also called false acacias, false acacias or silver rain because of the color of the leaves.
Planting time
Plant Black Locusts They preferably in spring or in autumn. If the robinia is planted in spring, it has enough time until autumn to grow well. When it comes to container plants, you can plant the robinia all year round, but the ground must be frost-free.
Location & Ground
The most important prerequisites for the tree to develop well: A bright, wind-protected location and nutrient-rich, loose soil are best suited for the robinia. But it also grows on dry sandy and gravel soils and on a nutrient-poor subsoil.
How to plant the black locust correctly
❶ First check whether you really have enough space. Above all, the distance to the house wall and to the neighboring property plays an important role. The final crown diameter can be up to ten meters. A large distance is important right from the start so that you don't have to part with your tree.
❷ Once you have found the right location, you should loosen the soil properly. If the soil is very dry and sandy, incorporate fresh compost.
❸ Now dig out the planting hole. It should be about twice the size of the root ball. Then insert the robinia in such a way that the base of the trunk is above the ground. Now fill the planting hole with soil and then wellwater.
❹ You will help the robinia grow safely if you fix the tree with stakes for the first two years. It gives her a better grip.
Care after planting
❍ casting:
In the first few weeks you have to water the robinia regularly. Later it is sufficient if you only water in midsummer or when the soil is very dry. Robinia have a moderate water requirement. Usually the natural downpours are sufficient.
❍ Fertilize:
You can also fertilize the robinia when the first leaves appear in spring. But that is not absolutely necessary. If you want to fertilize, then use a liquid fertilizer every two weeks. From September/October the robinia no longer needs fertilizer.
Warning if you have children: All parts of the black locust are poisonous!