Video: Build your own composter from Euro pallets - Here's how

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A whole lot can be conjured up from Euro pallets. Whether seating furniture, raised beds or a shelter for firewood - there are no limits to your imagination. Since I find the works made from Euro pallets not only practical, but also really beautiful, I am always happy about new ideas - such as the one with the composter, for example. Many use the plastic composters from hardware stores and discounters. Unfortunately, the size is limited here and the optics are not necessarily the most beautiful. So what could be more obvious than simply building a composter from Euro pallets?

The procedure is relatively simple, as Ingoderliegeradler shows in the video above. He explains and shows us step by step how to build a large, spacious composter divided into two from simple Euro pallets. Sound complicated? Under no circumstance. With the video instructions, even less skilled craftsmen can do it.

Why compost at all?

There is always a lot of waste in a garden, be it green waste, leaves or other kitchen or garden waste. If you don't want to pay the high fees for the organic waste bin, you can't avoid a composter. This also has a decisive advantage. Mature compost is an optimal fertilizer for your plants as it contains countless nutrients. It also improves the soil over the long term.