Reproduce Adonis - this is how the rearing is guaranteed to be successful

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Propagation of Adonis is feasible, but time-consuming. Your only option is the sowing method and you should be patient.

Hobby gardeners have no choice when it comes to propagating Adonis vernalis. The plants can only be propagated by sowing. This may seem unusual as most perennial flowering plants can be fairly easily propagated via root division. However, dividing the roots would be extremely difficult, since the taproots can reach almost a meter deep into the ground. In addition, the extensive root system of the plants is extremely sensitive and even the slightest intervention could lead to the death of the plants.

Adonis Propagation by Seeds

You can get Adonis seeds from specialist retailers. They can also be purchased directly from the gardener. The propagation of the plants themselves is like a game of patience and germination is unfortunately no guarantee. Nevertheless, it is worth taking on this challenge.

The sowing step by step

  1. Water seeds for a few hours.
  2. Place seeds in planters.
  3. Cover seeds lightly with soil.
  4. Place the seeds in a light and warm spot.
  5. Refrigerate seeds after one month.
  6. Seeds begin to germinate and can be acclimated to higher temperatures.

The egg-shaped nuts contain between 30 and 40 seeds. If the seeds are harvested in the green stage, the chances of successful germination are higher.

➔ Tip: Use the seeds as fresh as possible, if possible while they are still "milk".

To promote germination, it is advisable to soak the seeds in lukewarm water for a few hours before sowing. A sandy loam soil forms the ideal substrate. After the seeds have been placed in the planter, they should only be lightly covered with substrate. First, the planter remains in a bright and warm location for about four weeks. Maintain an even supply of moisture during cultivation at room temperature.

Change of location

After planting between two and four weeks on awarm location is now followed by four to six weeks at a maximum of +4 degrees. The temperature can also drop below zero.

➔ Tip: Spending the cool time outdoors in winter is ideal. Seeds covered by snow germinate better because moisture makes the seed coat more porous.

Once germination has started, another four to six weeks pass before the young plants can be pricked out and placed in a larger plant pot. After another two months, strong young plants should have developed, which can move outdoors.

Grow Adonis rose yourself - advantages and disadvantages at a glance

Cultivation from seeds is an exciting challenge for the hobby gardener.Germination is not 100% reliable.
The seeds can be obtained from existing plants or are quite inexpensive commercially available.Use as many seeds as possible so that germination is successful.
It doesn't take much effort to do the rearing.Germination only occurs if certain temperature and site conditions are met.
After germination, strong and he althy young plants usually develop.Germination is tedious and time-consuming.
It can take two to three years for the young plants to flower.

Proper care of young plants

As already mentioned, the seeds of the adonis are rather unreliable to germinate. It therefore makes sense not to limit sowing to just a few seeds. From March, the young plants of a successful germination may be placed outdoors. There it is important to offer the young Adonis plants a nutrient-rich soil, because the roots are not yet strong enough to absorb the required nutrients directly from the soil. Before planting, the substrate should be loosened accordingly and mixed with humus and horn shavings. This organic long-term fertilizer ensures he althy plant growth.

➔ Tip: Patience is still required, it can take several years before the first flowers appear on the young plants.

Protect young plants from snails

Adonis are quite robust and are rarely attacked by diseases or pests. The biggest enemy of the plants are slugs, which roam over the plantsalmost attack and can destroy them completely in a very short period of time. The easiest way would be to collect the nocturnal animals.

However, there are also some effective home remedies that should be used in good time to prevent the infestation:

  • Distribute coffee grounds around the plant
  • Put copper wire around the plant
  • Crumble the egg shells and spread around the plant
  • Plant thyme, rosemary or sage nearby