Transplanting cherry laurels - explained step by step

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You don't like the current location of your cherry laurel? Then simply transplant it. But be careful, because there are a few things to consider.

The garden is usually like the apartment: at some point you just need a breath of fresh air. Changing something in the apartment is of course done quickly. Changing something in the garden is a bit more difficult. After all, older plants that are in an unfavorable position have to be transplanted here.

Some plants tolerate it very well, while others react very sensitively to transplanting. Fortunately, the cherry laurel is not one of them. It usually grows quite well in its new location. But only if you pay attention to a few important things when transplanting. It is best to simply follow the instructions below so that nothing goes wrong when transplanting.

When is the best time to transplant?

It is best to transplant the cherry laurel in spring. Alternatively, you can also implement it in autumn. However, it is then important not to start transplanting too late, as the plant must develop new roots by the time frost sets in to survive the winter.

How to transplant the cherry laurel properly

➤ Step 1:

Prune back the cherry laurel if necessary. It is quite possible to shorten the plant by a third or even up to half. The cherry laurel then grows back very quickly.

➤ Step 2:

Then dig a sufficiently large hole at the new location. Then loosen the soil around the hole and improve it with some good potting soil or compost.

➤ Step 3:

Use a spade to dig out the root ball of the cherry laurel and lift it out of the ground. You can then insert the plant directly into the hole that has already been dug. It is important that you plant the cherry laurel as deep as it was planted in its old place. Then fill the rest of the hole with soil and then gently tread it down.

➤ Step 4:

Especially duringDuring the first few weeks after transplanting, it is very important that you water the plant regularly. In this way it grows well. But even in winter, watering is an absolute must, since the cherry laurel is an evergreen plant. It also needs sufficient water in the cold season, as a lot of moisture evaporates through the leaves. Reading tip: Watering evergreen plants in winter - That's how it's done.