Anyone who has planted artichokes in the garden for the first time will certainly be looking forward to the harvest. Now, however, one more question arises: When is the right time for this?
Have you planted artichokes in the garden? Then you surely know that ripe artichokes are a tasty delicacy. But the plants from the thistle family have even more to offer. The beautiful flowers are long-lasting and an adornment for every dry arrangement. So you have to decide: eat, decorate or both? But when is the right time to harvest? You can tell by a few specific characteristics.Harvest edible artichokes: now they are ripe!
You can tell when the time is right because the scales are tight and the flowers have not yet opened. The flower head must feel firm and plump. Under favorable conditions and depending on the variety, this is the case from the middle to the end of July. You can harvest later varieties from August to October. The plants usually have several flower heads, which you can gradually harvest.Cut off the flower heads just below the base of the flower. When the scales splay, the buds change color, and the plant begins to flower, artichokes lose their flavor. Green varieties turn reddish, violet varieties become very dark to brown-black on the outside.
In the first year, the edible buds are often very small. Harvesting and preparation are then hardly worthwhile. Better wait another year to enjoy it to the full.
Plant green or purple artichokes?
Green varieties are more robust and resistant, purple varieties are a little more sensitive and less productive. On the other hand, the taste of purple varieties is often more intense and the flesh is more tender. In general, both varieties are suitable for consumption. Here are a few well-known varieties:
❍ Known green varieties:
- Camus de Bretagne
- Castel
- Catanesi
- Green Globe
- Romaneschi
❍ Known purple varieties:
- Petit Violet
- Romanesco
- Terom
- Violet de Provence
Prepare the artichokesand enjoy
Anyone who only knows artichokes as a topping on the Quattro Stagioni pizza is clearly missing out! Artichokes from your own garden taste great and are not difficult to prepare. The lower, fleshy parts of the bracts and the tender heart are generally edible. It is best to prepare these parts like this:❶ Wash the flower heads thoroughly under running water. Then break out the stem. Preferably over the edge of a table. This requires a bit of strength. You should wear gloves because the sap will rub off. The stem of young artichokes can be removed with a sharp knife.
❷ In the next step, cut off the outer, lower leaves and expose the heart of the artichoke. The top tip is also removed. Sprinkle lemon juice on all cuts immediately, otherwise they will turn unsightly brown.
❸ Then boil the artichoke in s alted water (s alt it liberally) to which you have added lemon juice or white wine. Small heads take between 15 and 20 minutes, larger ones up to 40 minutes, until they are cooked and the leaves can be easily separated.
❹ With large artichokes, the so-called hay must be removed before eating, as it is inedible. To do this, the artichoke is divided in the middle and the cooked hay is removed with a spoon.
Artichokes are considered very he althy. They support liver, bile and heart and they are appetite stimulants. The delicate flower heads are ideal as a starter! They also go well with spicy dips or a hearty vinaigrette. You can also process the artichokes: you can, for example, fill them, use them as a topping for a vegetable tart, marinate them in oil with spices, gratinate them and much more.