The female winter moth, a moth, climbs into the canopy of fruit trees in autumn and lays its eggs there. The caterpillars then eat the leaves and flowers.

Protect fruit trees against winter moths
The female winter moths, which do not have wings, climb into the treetops of fruit trees in autumn and lay eggs there. The caterpillars hatch next spring and attack the richly laid table. It doesn't really matter to the winter moth which fruit tree it is. Whether apple, pear, cherry or plum, everyone is welcome. And that's why you should also protect your fruit trees against it.
It's very easy and actually hardly worth mentioning - if you know it!
So-called glue rings are used for this, which are available in specialist shops and which are simply placed around the tree trunk. This ring should fit snugly and not give the winter moths an opportunity to slip through below. So if they want to go over it, they will automatically stick. In this way, the fruit is secured for the next season.