Grow your own pineapple

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Exotic plants are always a real eye-catcher. Unfortunately, they are sometimes a bit expensive. You can also easily grow a pineapple yourself, for example.

If you like fruit, you usually also like the fruity sweetness of pineapple. But the plant not only has a lot to offer in terms of taste. It also looks pretty good. The reason for this are the leaves of the bromeliad plant. Unfortunately, it rarely grows in our latitudes, which is why one or the other has probably wondered whether the plant can be cultivated in pots or tubs. The answer is: yes, it works!

It certainly doesn't reach the growth height that it would otherwise reach outdoors, but you have a real exotic in the house. In the warm summer months you can also place the pots on the balcony or terrace and thus provide a visual highlight in the garden.

One thing beforehand:

Don't expect too much. Although pineapples can be grown relatively easily at any time, it can take two to three years for them to grow properly and flower for the first time.

2 ways to grow a pineapple yourself

Option 1:

❶ Buy a normal pineapple and decapitate it. You must leave about five centimeters of flesh under the fresh, green tuft of pineapple leaves. Then you have to carefully remove the pulp at the lower end of the leaf tuft with a knife. You can also carefully unscrew the stalk. Then you need to cut off a small piece of the bottom, remove the bottom leaves (about 3 rows of leaves) and let the stalk dry for about three days so that it doesn't start to rot.

❷ After the drying time you have to put the tuft of leaves in a vase filled with water. The stalk must now be a few centimeters deep in the water. The first roots will form in about two to three weeks. For this it is important that you make sure that the stalk is very warm and sunny. 25 degrees is ideal.

❸ Once a few millimeters of roots have formed, you can continue. First, fill a container with low-nutrient substrate. PlantThen dig the stalk into the ground and water it a little.

❹ In order for the pineapple plant to develop optimally, it is advisable to put a transparent plastic bag over the plant and attach it to the pot with a band or rubber band. Then place the plant in a warm and bright place and air it from time to time. Otherwise it's just a matter of waiting.

❺ As soon as new leaves form in the middle of the tuft of leaves, you can remove the plastic bag, as this is a sign that the pineapple plant has taken root well. Then you have to wait again until a new flower or fruit grows.

Option 2:

❶ Grab the pineapple by the tuft and carefully twist out the stalk. Alternatively, you can also cut off the top third of the pineapple including the tuft of leaves and then remove the flesh. Then you have to tear off the bottom leaves and cut off some of the lower part of the stalk.

❷ Now don't put the stalk in a glass of water, but press it carefully into some charcoal. That disinfects him. Then you need to let the stalk dry for about a day.

❸ The next day you can plant the stalk directly into the substrate. Then you need to put the pot in a bright and warm place and water the plant about every two weeks. Then it's time to wait again until new leaves and a new fruit form.

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