Cigarette ash against aphids


Try cigarette ash against aphids. There are several ways you can use cigarette ash effectively against aphids.

Aphids are well-known pests that are not easy to control. Therefore our tip: Use cigarette ash against aphids

  1. The cigarette ash must be scattered on the bottom of the plant. The ash then soaks into the ground. Aphids don't like the smells and gradually stay away.
  2. You can also add the ash to the water in the watering can and spread it over several plants at the same time. The mixture should have an even ratio and be stirred well. However, you should not water the plants with it, just shower them off. The entire process must be repeated several times.
  3. In addition to killing aphids, cigarette ash also acts as a fertilizer. However, it depends on the right dosage, because too much cigarette ash in the soil could also harm the plant. In addition, you can use a liquid fertilizer to return more nutrients to the soil.