Exposing grapevines

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You should always thin out the vines well. Not only does this give the grapes more sun, diseases also don't stand a chance.

Many hobby gardeners have vines in their garden. It is a popular climbing plant and also provides a green roof over your head. But this is exactly where the problem lies. If you want a rich and tasty grape harvest, you should start thinning out the leaves in September.

Thinning out the vines

To thin out, you should remove the first two to three leaves after the base of the stem. You can do this with garden shears. You can also simply break out the leaves. As a result, the grapes get more sun. As a result, they grow faster, become larger and also more aromatic. Also, they are not as susceptible to diseases.

Grey horse on Weitrauben

Grapes are particularly troubled by the gray mold. He likes to settle on damp grapes that are in the shade. If you thoroughly uncover the vines, you ensure that they dry quickly after a rainstorm and that gray mold doesn't stand a chance. Also, removing the old leaves is better for photosynthesis, so the younger leaves can handle the growth better.