Fighting flea beetles - 3 tips


The small, yellow-striped flea beetle can cause considerable damage, especially to cabbage plants. To fight the flea we have 3 tips ready.

Cabbage plants and radishes, radishes and turnips in particular are often exposed to a parasite in their own garden, the flea. This is lively and can cause a lot of damage despite its small size of 1.5 mm to 3 mm.

The flea beetle (Psylliodes) is easily recognizable by its dark or yellow-striped coloration. The flea prefers warm and dry places. to fight the earth flea

primarily means…
  1. … watering or mulching the soil regularly so that there is constant moisture, which the beetroot does not appreciate at all.
  2. If you also plant a mixed culture of lettuce, lettuce and spinach, you take away the comfort of the flea in your own bed.
  3. If the flea does not have enough of these measures and continues to spread in the bed, then a weekly spraying with wormwood or tansy broth can make the flea's living environment uncomfortable and drive it out of the beds.