The thuja is a popular hedge plant, but unfortunately you often see the thuja turning brown. This is not due to the thuja itself, but to the soil.

It is planted singly, as a bush, just as decorative as in a row as a hedge. Within a few years it has grown large and dense and offers perfect privacy. But hobby gardeners occasionally have the problem that individual thujas turn brown and die.
The cause here is usually not the plant itself, but a soil fungus. Which means that the other plants are also endangered. That's why you can't avoid two steps:
- First, remove the diseased plants completely
- Second, remove as much soil as possible.
Be careful not to damage the roots of neighboring plants. To fill the gap, it is advisable to plant container plants where the roots are not damaged, as is the case with root crops. This means that any fungi that may still be in the ground have less surface to attack.
Tip: Do not dispose of the infested Thuja and the soil on the compost!