Fighting spider mites on indoor plants - 5 effective tips

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When the heaters are turned on in autumn, it usually doesn't take long before they are there: spider mites. But these tips will drive the little animals away again.

Spider mites are typical autumn and winter pests, because when the heating is turned on in the apartments, the humidity drops and the perfect biotope for spider mites is created. So it's not just us who are happy when it's pleasantly warm in the apartment, but also the spider mites. They then turn it up to full speed and tamper with the leaves of the indoor plants. Sometimes even so extreme that they have difficulty surviving the attack of the little animals.

When the 0.5 millimeter large common spider mite makes itself comfortable on the leaves, this can usually be recognized by fine, light-colored speckles on the upper side of the leaf. These occur because the spider mites prick the leaves with their thorn-like suction organs and suck them out. In addition, the common spider mite also creates fine webs on houseplants. So if you discover fine speckles or spider threads on your indoor plants, you should act quickly to drive away the spider mites.

Effective Spider Mite Control Tips

Tip 1 - shower off plants:

A fairly simple way to combat spider mites: a good shower. Simply place the houseplant in the shower or bath and gently shower the leaves from top to bottom. Then you should put a transparent garbage bag over the houseplant and tie it so that no air exchange can take place in the crown area. Leave it like that for a week and water it normally. The extremely high humidity that occurs under the garbage bag then ensures that the spider mites all die.

Read why showering houseplants is a good idea in our article on showering houseplants.

Tip 2 - use water-oil spray:

Another simple remedy against spider mites consists of a mixture of water and rapeseed oil. Simply mix 1 liter of water with 250 milliliters of canola oil and spray the affected plants twice a week. The fine drops of oilThe spider mite's respiratory openings will then clog up, causing it to suffocate in no time.

Tip 3 - Rub cigarette ash on plants:

Cigarette ash is also said to be a very effective remedy against spider mites, because the nicotine it contains acts like a neurotoxin on the little creatures. So mix some cigarette ash with water and rub it on the leaves of the plants.

Tip 4 - Boil brew/tea and rub leaves with it:

A broth made from onions and garlic helps against spider mite infestation just as well as a strong tea made from field horsetail or nettle manure. As you may know, these are all agents that both strengthen the plants and help against pests. No matter which variant you choose, simply wipe the leaves of the plants with it for a week and the spider mites will disappear.

Tip 5 - Use funds from trading:

If you want to use real pesticides, then please use natural ones. We can recommend e.g. the Naturen Schädlingsfrei (e.g. available here). This is a ready-to-use spray with rapeseed oil. This not only combats spider mites, but also pests such as scale insects, whiteflies and aphids.