Chasing Birds from the Cherry Tree

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Your cherry tree with the delicious cherries must be protected from birds! You can find out what options there are and what we recommend here.

Actually, every hobby gardener is happy when the time for the cherry harvest has come. However, this joy is quickly spoiled when various birds tamper with the cherries. So if you don't want to miss out on the delicious fruits, you have to do something.

No one has the time or inclination to stand under the tree all day and wave their hands at the approach of a starling or sparrow. So alternatives are needed! Sooner or later you will have to climb into the tree to prepare some bird deterrent. This action is much easier with low-stem plants.

Set up Scarecrow

The classic version and definitely worth trying is the scarecrow. The only important thing is that the scarecrow looks halfway like a human being. A scarecrow is built in no time at all. You only need two narrow wooden slats. These are nailed together like a cross. Now put a sweater or shirt on the good part and put on a hat, that should be enough. Some birds have respect for it and avoid the cherry tree, others are unfortunately not interested in the strange shape. But it's definitely worth a try!

Mirrors and lots of glitter

One more way to get rid of those ravenous air creatures and keep them away. A fairly successful variant is hanging small mirrors. Again, make sure that the mirrors move in the wind. Alternatively, you can also hang strips of aluminum foil in the tree. These have a similar function as the mirrors. The birds feel disturbed by the constant blinking and do not even get to eat. This way you keep the birds away and can harvest your fruit in peace.

hanging fluttering ribbons in the tree

You can also implement this idea yourself in no time, all you need is a few scraps of fabric. The brighter the colors are, the better. Cut narrow strips and hang them in the tree. Best that you imwinds can flutter. The more movement in the tree, the better the bird deterrent.


That sounds a bit bizarre, but it could definitely work: Get large plastic birds or something similar from a hardware store or garden center. Fasten the birdies in the tree and then cross your fingers. Some birds are put off by the perceived competition.

Bird nets - some effort but effective

Bird nets are most commonly used to keep birds away from the cherry tree. Anyone who has ever tried it knows that hanging it up is not exactly easy. You won't get the job done alone, so seek help. The net or nets are hung over the entire tree. The finer the mesh of the bird netting, the less chance the birds have of slipping through. To protect the birds, however, you should check from time to time whether a little bird has gotten caught in the net, because you must not torment the animals under any circumstances!