If you have foxgloves in your garden, you usually don't have to worry about propagation. The plant does this on its own. But beware: it is highly toxic!
The thimble is beautiful, but you must exercise caution. After all, the plant is poisonous. Although it has been used medicinally for centuries to treat heart problems, those who consume it in this way can die from it. The foxglove is accordingly a poisonous and medicinal plant at the same time. Foxgloves have no place in gardens where children often play. Otherwise the plant is a popular sight in many gardens.
Foxglove is actually a biennial plant
Anyone who has Foxgloves in their garden will know that they are two years old. This means that in the first year only the leaf rosette forms, in the second year it flowers. After that it usually sows itself again. The original plant dies. But with a little luck you can prevent that.
➜ How it works:
If you cut off the panicles immediately after flowering, i.e. before they ripen, there is a very high probability that the leaf rosette will survive the winter again. That means you can expect great blooms again next spring.
If you want to be on the safe side, allow a panicle or two to mature and, if possible, scatter the seeds yourself. In this way, you will definitely provide for offspring. It is best if you prefer them in seed soil. To do this, lightly press the seeds into the soil. A temperature of around 18 degrees Celsius is then important for the seeds. Also, always keep the soil slightly moist.
This is what the correct location looks like
In the wild, the foxglove thrives mainly on the edges of forests. But the plant can also be cultivated in the garden. Especially if you can offer her a light spot in the semi-shade. The soil should also be loose, moist, low in lime and rich in humus.
How to properly care for the thimble
The thimble likes it wet. The soil must never dry out completely. If so, you will take the plant crooked straight away. Pour the thimbletherefore regularly during the main growing season (April to September). However, “less is more” applies here. It is better to water a little every day instead of a lot every two days.
Because the plants are only biennial, they do not need fertilizer. However, it doesn't hurt to carefully work some compost into the soil around the plant in spring and late summer.
In winter you don't need to take any special precautions as the thimble is very robust. Nevertheless, it is advisable to cover the ground with some bark mulch.
Always remember:
If you come into contact with the thimble, you must wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. Always wear gloves when gardening. This is how you make sure that nothing can happen.