The peony is native to many gardens. In May and June it opens its often very large flowers and impresses with a real sea of flowers. However, with the peony you have to follow a few tips if you want to plant it correctly.
The flower really does what it promises.
Tip 1:
Peonies are planted in autumn . Also young plants. They should not sprout too soon in spring, as this damages the plant. Keep an eye on the peony and prune it back if necessary if it's already popping out of the ground in February or March.
Tip 2:
Always plant the peony at least 10, preferably 15 centimeters deep in the ground. If it is planted too shallow, it often cannot hold itself and soon starts to fail.
Tip 3:
Don't let the soil get too dry and protect the plant from the hot midday sun. Water vigorously and enjoy the great flowers that make every garden something very special.