Three herbs that every good housewife and househusband should have in their repertoire: Thyme, rosemary and oregano. These three types of herbs are particularly suitable for flavoring Mediterranean dishes.
These herbs are not winter hardy
Italian sauces, for example, only really get that extra kick with fresh herbs, which turns the sauce into something very special. In summer you can plant these three varieties in the garden, but be careful: they are not winter-proof. That's why they should be brought inside. However, they don't provide much material to work with in the winter months.
Dry thyme, rosemary and oregano
No problem, because then you can use dried herbs. Simply harvest the bushes and let the herbs dry. Crush or crush and you have your own dried spices. Try it out, you will quickly notice the difference in taste to the purchased and especially dried herbs. So you always have a variety of herbs at home and can conjure up great dishes.