Anyone can grow parsley. Even those who don't have a garden at all. But when is the right time for this? In spring or in summer?
Parsley is a herb that we like to use in salads and sauces or sprinkle on sandwiches. It tastes good and is of course he althy - who would have thought it. But although many planting books state that you should sow parsley in the spring, you should refrain from doing so. Due to the still uncertain weather conditions and the risk of frost, the seeds may germinate more slowly and poorly. This in turn favors the infestation with fungi. If you want to avoid this, sow parsley in July. Due to the warm temperatures, the herb can develop faster and is also better protected from the fungi.
You can already harvest the first leaves at the end of August. If you are lucky and the winter is not too harsh, you can even harvest fresh parsley the following year until May. The prerequisite for this is that you plant the parsley correctly.
Location & Ground
Parsley is a umbellifer that thrives best in a bright spot. However, it does not tolerate direct sun. It is therefore best to choose a semi-shady spot. When choosing the location, always remember that you should never sow parsley in the same place. Parsley is incompatible with itself and other umbellifers. At least four years should elapse before you sow again in this spot. Parsley especially likes neighbors such as tomatoes, onions, leeks, cucumbers and radishes. Reading tip: Which herbs go together?.
As far as the floor is concerned, you don't have to pay much attention here. The soil should only be permeable and loose so that rain and irrigation water can drain off well. Then the parsley feels good.
How to plant parsley correctly
When it's finally July, you can sow the parsley in the garden. You can sow up to 300 seeds per meter.
If you want to be on the safe side, put parsley indoors in spring. Simply sow the seeds in pots. The first seedlings will appear after just a few days. After the secondhas formed a pair of leaves, you must separate the plants. When the ice saints are over, you can plant the young parsley plants in the garden. Keep a distance of about 20 centimeters between the plants. And then we have to wait and see, because unlike other herbs, parsley grows very slowly.
How to properly care for parsley
❍ casting:
Water the parsley regularly and evenly. But don't give too much water, because the parsley doesn't tolerate that at all. Always water first, because the top layer of soil has dried.
❍ Fertilize:
You don't really need to fertilize the parsley. However, it is an advantage if you work some mature compost into the bed before planting.
❍ Overwintering:
Normally, parsley does not need winter protection. However, if the winter is going to be very cold, cover the parsley with some brushwood.