Most of the time, the water lilies are selected as ornamental plants by color. However, individual varieties have very individual location requirements and so the chosen color of the water lily simply cannot match the corresponding location of the pond. This is exactly why water lilies don't thrive.
Don't plant the water lily too deep
Even if the water lily is otherwise very easy to care for, it takes its location very carefully. On the other hand, if the water lily is planted too deep in the pond, the leaves hardly reach the surface of the water and the flowers are only very sparse because the plant's overall growth is weak.
The water level in the pond is crucial
If the water level in the pond is too low, the leaves will rise above the water and the flowers will disappear under them. Strongly grown plants in particular can quickly overgrow a small pond. In addition to the location, the size of the pond and the water depth in which the plants are ultimately to be used are therefore important when selecting the water lily.
Most varieties of water lilies accept water depths of 50 to around 80 centimetres. Strong plants can easily cope with a water depth of one meter or even more. In terms of space, these specimens require about one square meter of water surface, vigorous specimens can require up to two square meters, while small specimens are often content with half a square meter.