Planning and creating a garden pond


There are plenty of garden pond lovers out there. It creates a nice ambience, but it also takes work, but the attractive appearance makes you forget the drudgery of the beginning. Here you can find out what you need to consider when planning and creating a garden pond.

  1. First you should dig a hole; the size and shape are up to you.
  2. Either buy a ready-made garden pool or pond liner and line the hole with it.
  3. After adding water, the pond needs to rest for the water to adjust. In this case, adaptation means that a biotope must first form. To do this, bacteria settle in the water.
  4. The edge of the pond can be lined with stones.
  5. The plants are also planted in special soil at the edge of the pond.
  6. Gargoyles or fountains are welcome. This oxygenates the water.
  7. Only when the plants have grown can you bring in the fish stock.

Once in a while you should change part of the water to keep it clear and clean. Algae control is also interesting. In summer in particular, algae appear more often due to the sun's rays. On the other hand, there are special algae control agents in specialist shops. Those who take care of their pond regularly will enjoy it.