Raise wisteria to a high stem - this is how the plant also thrives in pots

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Wisteria is not suitable for every facade. And yet the flower lover does not have to do without the magnificent blossoms. Just pull yourself a high trunk. Find out how here.

With its attractive purple-blue flowers and its impressive size of up to ten meters, the wisteria adorns facades, pergolas and terraces. Known by the Latin names wisteria or wisteria, this climbing plant needs regular care in order to be able to grow lushly.

Not every hobbyist can plant wisteria on the facade of their house. And yet there is a place where such a ranker can develop handsomely. The standard wisteria tree in a tub is a popular alternative to greening facades.

Refined wisteria thrives optimally

For a tall wisteria that should flower soon, grafted plants are particularly suitable.

You can get a refined wisteria from tree nurseries or well-stocked garden centers, for example. This plant has a stem that you need to trim about a third of its length in spring. They leave a strong bud standing. The side shoots must be cut off completely.

» Tip: The plant needs a stick for support. Simply tie the shoot loosely to the stick. So she has enough support.

In July it has to be supported again. To do this, shorten the new shoots by half and attach the extended main shoot to the support rod.

Further training of the standard with the scissors

in the 2nd year
At the end of the following winter (February to early March) cut back the new shoots to 3 to 5 buds. Then use the secateurs again in June. Here you shorten the new branches again by a third. Now the main shoot is cut at the desired height of the standard. This is how you determine how big the wisteria should be in the bucket.

in the 3rd year
In February or March of the third year, prune the main and side shoots again to 3 to 5 buds. Ultimately fall inJuly the unwanted side shoots of the trunk of the secateurs prey. The wisteria trunk is exposed up to the base of the crown from the side branches.

following years
In future, only the rejuvenation cut will take place in February. The crown branches are shortened up to the third eye.