In spring, shortly before flowering, the time has finally come. Then chrysanthemums can be propagated with cuttings. And that's not even difficult. We'll show you how.
The garden markets are full of beautiful and colorful chrysanthemums. And although the perennial plants are quite cheap, propagating them on your own windowsill is worthwhile: Not necessarily financially, but the hobby gardener's heart still enjoys freshly rooted cuttings.
The chrysanthemums will ensure lush blooms next year and can also be given as a personal gift to friends and work colleagues!
Pruning and cutting preparation
Young chrysanthemum plants are particularly suitable for taking cuttings. If you have older perennials, propagation is still possible, but doesn't work quite as well.
The best time to take the cuttings is in spring, just before the plants develop their flower buds. Cut the cuttings to about four inches and remove any leaves that may be present. Now there are two ways to grow beautiful chrysanthemums from cuttings.
Variant 1 - Grow cuttings in potting soil
1 With this method, the cuttings are placed directly in a bowl of potting soil and watered. Instead of special potting soil, you can also use normal potting soil.
2 Then stretch a transparent plastic bag or film over the bowl. This creates a favorable climate for the growing chrysanthemums.
3 Place the breeding station in a warm, bright and sunny place. However, direct midday sun is too strong, so please ensure that there is shade at midday. The ideal temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius.
» Extra tip: By the way, you can prevent mold from forming by airing the film every day.
4 Roots will have formed after about three to four weeks. Now you can repot the cuttings into larger containers. A mixture of potting soil and compost is beneficial.
5 Over the winter, the new plants will grow so far that they can be put outdoors in spring without hesitationto move.
You missed the editing time? Even after flowering, before the first frost, you can still take cuttings. However, since not all cuttings will root, you should cut off a few more.
Variant 2 - root cuttings in a glass of water
The second variant for root formation is even a little easier!
1 Simply place the cuttings in a glass of water. The location should be bright and moderately warm again.
2 A transparent plastic bag slipped over the glass also promotes growth here.
3 Change the water daily until roots appear after a few weeks. As soon as the roots are a few centimeters long, you can place the cuttings in pots with soil.