It is becoming more and more fashionable and is particularly popular among garlic lovers: wild garlic. wild garlic has the advantage that it tastes like garlic but doesn't give you bad breath.
The seed needs Frost
You can plant wild garlic yourself. A shady spot and growing can begin. He is very undemanding and does not need special care. Wild garlic belongs to the group of cold germs, which means that its seeds need frost to germinate.
Sowing seeds in autumn
If you want to sow yourself, you can sow the seeds in autumn, directly in the bed. But there are also wild garlic bulbs, which are also planted in autumn and which sprout in spring. They no longer need frost.
Wild garlic keeps coming back
Alternatively, you can also plant plants that have been brought forward. Everything about wild garlic is edible, i.e. the leaves and the white flowers. Once planted or sown, it will grow on its own and come back year after year.
Warning: Wild garlic looks confusingly similar to lily of the valley. Special care is required here, because lilies of the valley are poisonous. Mix-ups can end badly. Therefore always plant separately.