Plants in the pond in the ground or in the basket?


Hobby gardeners often ask themselves whether they should plant the plants in the pond directly in the soil or in a basket plant should. Here the distinction is made that planting in the ground is recommended if the water is very shallow.

Here, the substrate distributed over a large area ensures that the film is protected from solar radiation in the zone where the water level fluctuates. The nursing measures can also be carried out directly from the shore.

Deep water - plants in the basket
The deeper water, on the other hand, makes planting in baskets more sensible, because in these there is less intensive propagation and the Plants can thus be better kept in check overall. Plants that proliferate vigorously, for example the water knotweed, the sea jug and the floating pondweed, can thus be prevented from massive proliferation.

Mesh baskets are the better alternative
If plants have to be moved for the winter or even removed completely from the water, they should be kept in mesh baskets for practical reasons. However, placing potted pond plants is much more individual. Placed on a few stones, the water depth in which the plant is used can be decided individually. Mesh baskets are always the better alternative for potted plants, because completely closed pots prevent the optimal supply of nutrients to the plants in the pond.