Video: Making lanterns out of beverage cans - a decorative garden accessory in just a few simple steps


Cola, cocktails, beer and other delicacies are often offered in small beverage cans. No matter how tasty the drinks are, most people tend to think more about the waste that is produced. After all, a cozy evening by the fire brings a lot together. However, if you continue to use the cans creatively, you not only save yourself a large mountain of rubbish, you also have a decorative accessory for the garden at the same time.

Old soda cans can be turned into small lanterns, for example, as Nuhinu shows in her YouTube video. This little lantern looks particularly enchanting in the dark when it moves in the wind - so to speak, a wind chime and a blaze of light in one. The video instructions are easy to understand, so nothing can go wrong during the completion. Be careful not to cut yourself on the can, though, as that can happen pretty quickly.

» Reading tips:

  • Garden lighting without electricity - 4 clever ideas for your garden oasis
  • Video: Make your own fabric lantern for the balcony and garden - DIY instructions
  • Lighting a garden pond - How to put your pond in the limelight