If you have a greenhouse in your garden, you should do an all-round check and winterize your greenhouse before winter comes.
Storage mobile greenhouses
Only if the greenhouse gets through the winter well can it be useful again next spring. If you own a mobile greenhouse made of plastic, then you should disassemble it and store it indoors. Such greenhouses cannot withstand storms and snow.
Check foil greenhouses
Permanently installed foil greenhouses and greenhouses are safe. In the case of foil houses, you should check whether the ends of the foil are still firmly anchored to the frame and the floor. After all, you don't want to get an unwelcome visit from rodents or snails. You should therefore always replace or repair damaged foil plates.
Replace defective glass surfaces
In glass houses you should also check the glass surfaces and the seals and replace them if necessary. If you applied shading to the glass surfaces in summer, you must now remove it again. And last but not least, you should now check the heaters and fill up the tanks. If you control all of these things, then your greenhouse should be winter-ready.