Winter and care for the princess bush - Here's how it's done

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The princess bush is one of the year-round evergreen plants. Here is a description of how you should overwinter and care for the princess bush.

The princess shrub, which comes from the tropics (mainly from Brazil) and has intense violet flowers, is still largely unknown to us, despite its gracefulness, and is rarely found in garden stores. This evergreen plant usually blooms from June to autumn and its blooms have a mystical effect, because the deep violet of the individual flowers magically attracts everyone's attention.

Basically, the princess shrub is well suited for keeping in the conservatory as well as in a very sunny location outdoors. Outdoors, you should always plant the princess shrub, which can grow up to 100 centimeters high, in tubs so that you can easily transport it to frost-free indoor areas for the winter. A sunny location is particularly important because the princess shrub quickly sheds its foliage again if there is too much shade and does not form any flowers.

Here are further tips on what else you should consider when wintering and caring for the princess bush.

Winter Princess Bush

Princess shrubs are not hardy and must therefore be overwintered in frost-free rooms. While this phase is used as a rest period in their home country, this state is difficult to guarantee in rooms that are particularly flooded with light. However, you can bring about the necessary resting phase by placing the shrub in a bright room with an average room temperature of 10 degrees and keeping it relatively dry, i.e. watering it sparingly.

After hibernation, you then have to cut back the princess shrub generously, but you should only cut back the one-year-old shoots. The perennial wood does not tolerate a cut at all.

Proper care for the princess bush

» watering/fertilizing:

During the entire season you should always keep the princess shrub moderately moist (without waterlogging) and supply it with complete fertilizer regularly. This is ide althe use of a special azalea fertilizer. With this fertilizer you can fertilize the plants about every one to two weeks.

By the way:

Watering the princess bush with rainwater is considered optimal by experts - even in the winter months!

» Repot:

Repotting is generally recommended every two years, using the best quality soil possible.

The only problem with the plant is that you have to cut it back regularly. The reason for this is that the shrub finds it very difficult to sprout from its old wood and therefore finds pruning extremely helpful when forming new pairs of plants. Especially since the plant does not branch well.

» Fight pests:

In addition, the princess shrub is occasionally attacked by common pests (such as aphids), which is why you should subject it to regular pest controls. In the event of an infestation, you must immediately attack the respective pest with a pesticide.