The marigolds, also known as marigolds, not only look pretty, they can also be used to fight snails. Here everything about sowing and caring for the plant.
The marigolds, which are popularly known as marigolds or Turkish carnations, delight us with their bright orange blossoms from June to October. The undemanding plant thrives just as well in the flower bed as as a container plant. Which is why it is often used for balcony planting! However, marigolds are not hardy and must therefore be replanted every year.
Plant marigolds in the vegetable patch, the poison of their roots effectively destroys roundworms. Just try it out and let yourself be surprised by the great effect of the marigolds in the vegetable patch.
Sowing and site selection
You can sow the seeds of the marigold in flower pots on the window sill as early as January. The use of potting soil is very suitable for this. From April you can also sow the seeds outdoors in soil that is as rich in nutrients as possible so that the plantlets can develop slowly. You should then provide the soil with compost or a complete fertilizer beforehand.
From around mid-May, the marigolds will also be available as plant pots in garden centers, mostly at very reasonable prices.
As far as location is concerned, you should know that the low-maintenance marigold needs full sun in order to develop optimally. You should definitely take this fact into account when sowing or planting the small plants.
Annual marigolds are extremely popular with snails. Which is why it is often planted in salad beds to attract these little animals. As soon as the snails gather around the marigolds, you can remove them relatively compactly from the salad bed. But be careful: If the snails are faster than you, there won't be much left of a marigold.
Caring for marigolds properly
» Pluck flowers:
The marigolds, which bloom for a long time during the season, are now available in specialist shops in a wide variety of cultivated forms, including those with double flowers. As soon as theHowever, if some of the marigold flowers have faded again and again, you should quickly pluck or cut them off the perennial so that new flowers can form there again quickly.
If you dry the flower heads, you can collect the seeds and sow them fresh again next year.
» casting:
Maritimes require an adequate water supply in the morning and evening on hot days.
» Fertilize:
Fertilizing is only recommended during the cultivation phase and otherwise only when necessary, for example for balcony plants. You can also use a low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer for this purpose.
» Loosen up the soil:
You should loosen up the soil around the marigolds with a garden rake every 4 weeks for potted plants and every 6 to 8 weeks for outdoor plants.
Some marigold flowers are edible
Some marigold varieties even have edible flowers. Because of their intense coloring, these are also ideal for decorative purposes, for example for cakes, desserts, salads or cold dishes.
The edible marigold flowers include the Filifolia, which is often referred to as liquorice marigold because of its taste. Or the Mexican spice marigolds, whose scent is reminiscent of aniseed or woodruff and which is often used to refine salads. The flowers of the tenuifolia are also edible and, depending on the subspecies, have either an orange flavor or a lemon flavor.