Garden walls can be transformed into blooming eye-catchers with little effort. All you have to do is know how to place the plants correctly in the wall joints.
Walls in the garden are a great change as they add structure and spice up the garden. Walls are particularly beautiful when you plant plants in the wall joints or attach hanging plants to the top. Climbing plants also do well on walls. Great effects can be achieved in this way. All you have to do is choose the right plants.How to build the wall
A garden wall made of natural stone always looks best in the garden. In order to be stable, this wall should always have a foundation. The wall itself should not be at right angles to the ground, but should be stacked and tilted slightly backwards. For stability, always use a few longer stones in between. It is easiest if you lay the stones on filling sand. You can find detailed instructions for building a garden wall or natural stone wall here.
Which plants are suitable for wall planting?
The planting of the garden wall is then very easy. You can plant wherever there is earth or sand showing. Wall plants need little space for this. The important thing is that you choose the right plants. Depending on the location of the wall (sun or shade), you need the right plants.
Plants for sunny, dry locations
❍ Bluecushion
❍ Thrift
❍ Spurge
❍ Bellflower
❍ Fine-leaved Clovewort
❍ St. John's Wort
❍ Stonecrop
❍ Carpet Phlox
❍ Carthusian Carnation
❍ Pasque Flower
❍ Gypsophila
❍ Hungerflowers
Plants for shady, damp locations
❍ Golden Stonecrop
❍ Corydalis
❍ Candytuft
❍ Woodland Steinia
❍ Spleenwort
❍ Geesecress
❍ Bellflower
❍ Polypody
❍ Golddroplet
❍ Moss Saxifrage
❍ Zimbelkraut
❍ Herbs such as rosemary, lavender, thyme
How to plant the garden wall correctly
❶ Garden walls can be planted from March to September. To do this, you must first fill the joints with a mixture of equal partsFill potting soil and coarse gravel. This works best with a narrow spoon.
❷ Now you can plant the flowers in the joints. Since most potted plants are much too big for the joints, you first have to divide them into several small pieces.
❸ Now you have to stick the plants deep into the joints and fill everything up with substrate. Then carefully water all the flowers. It is best to use a fine jet of water so that the substrate is not immediately washed out of the joints.