Make dandelion honey yourself - this is how the delicious spread works


Whether in the morning on a roll or as a sweetener for tea - honey is available in almost every household. You don't have to be a beekeeper to be able to enjoy delicious honey from your own creation. An equally delicious honey can be conjured up from the yellow blossoms of the dandelion. And that's not even difficult.

Anyone who has just really started gardening and hasn't conjured up strawberry jam & Co. that often will surely think that it's rather time-consuming to make your own spread. But it really isn't. See for yourself: Bio-Garten Reich has provided very detailed instructions in their video, with which the production is super easy to replicate.

» My tip: If you don't boil the honey to a viscous consistency, but instead add a little preserving sugar to the brew, you'll have a dandelion jelly conjured up in no time. Mint or basil, for example, harmonize perfectly. Try it out. It's worth it.

Good luck and have fun enjoying!