Video: How to cook rosehip jam yourself - recipe & instructions

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When our wild roses wither, they come out - the rose hips. Not only are they beautiful to look at, they taste really good too. Prepared as jam, for example.

Whoever has a high harvest from certain fruits usually makes jam out of them. It's quick to make and you can enjoy the delicious fruit for a long time. Unfortunately, things are a bit different with rose hips. The preparation is not quite as easy and quick as with strawberries & co. But you should do the work just because of the taste.

I put the work off for several years, but when I recently tried fresh rosehip jam at a friend's house, I knew: I want that too. I followed the recipe in this video. It's really not easy, but it's worth it. If you don't just want to use the rose hips for decoration, you should definitely try the delicious spread.

Did you know?

The second name of rosehip could also be vitamin bomb. Rose hips contain an incredible amount of vitamin C. Only sea buckthorn contains more. It can be a good 1500 mg of vitamin C per 100 g. With certain species and their degree of maturity, the number can even rise to 5000 mg per 100 g. Crazy right?

By the way: Rosehip tea can work wonders, especially during the colder months of the year. Regular consumption can prevent or drive away colds.