For many years, some pieces of wisdom have been circulating in the garden tips that are not all true. People often lied when it came to combating pests or plant diseases.
Error 1 - The imperial crown as a vole fighter
For example, it was also said that the imperial crown drove the voles out of the garden. According to the latest findings, however, the plants prove to be ineffective against the animals, as do the advertised ultrasonic devices.
Error 2 - Coffee against snails
It is also not true that plants should be sprayed with coffee to protect them from snails. Scientists have not been able to find any repellent effects of coffee on snails.
Error 3 - Houseleek protects against lightning
The ancient Germans even believed that houseleek should protect against lightning. Even this could not be scientifically proven to this day.
Error 4 - Carrots and onions as pest fighters
When planting in the vegetable garden, you often hear that carrots and onions keep each other off from pests. But this tip is also unsuccessful, although many good things are said about mixed cultures.
Error 5 - Copper against brown rot
Copper is also said to protect tomatoes from brown rot. The copper wires at the roots or piercing the plant with copper nails had no effect.
So don't rely on everything you hear about gardening tips. Nevertheless, there are many important gardening tips that can make some work easier.