Fresh air sometimes works wonders. Not only with us humans, also with plants. So cacti, which are normally at home in the apartment and thus mostly on the windowsill, are grateful if they are allowed to go outside. Therefore you should plant the cacti in the garden in summer.
Avoid blazing sun
Everyone knows that cacti love the sun, but too much sun can also be harmful. It's hard to believe, but cacti can get sunburned. Therefore, do not place the plants in the blazing sun, but first post them in semi-shade for a week. After that, leaving them in the sun shouldn't be a problem.
Protective planting of cacti
Especially cacti that are normally indoors are susceptible to wind and adverse weather conditions. That's why they should be protected. Places next to walls (particularly ideal because they also radiate heat at night) or in front of larger and protective plants have proven their worth here.
Water twice a week
Although cacti need little water if you put them outside in the sun, you should still give them a good dose of water twice a week to water. Now and then a little fertilizer and the cacti are already doing great.
These measures also encourage the plants to form new flowers, which often does not happen in the apartment.