Birth control pills as fertilizer – Do you know these 2 user tips?

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Many hobby gardeners will think at first that it must be a joke when the contraceptive pill is advertised as a fertilizer for plants. But it's true - the pill can work wonders for many potted plants and help them to grow well.

Tip: Do not use fertilizer pills outdoors so that the hormone preparations are not discharged directly into the groundwater.

Use tip 1
Dissolve birth control pill in water

Dissolve a birth control pill you no longer need in a liter of water overnight. The next day, use it to water the potted plants as usual. If necessary, repeat the fertilization after about 4 weeks.

Whereas a visible success of this certainly somewhat unusual fertilizer usually sets in after a very short time.

Tip: All plants that are used for consumption (e.g. kitchen herbs, etc.) should not be fertilized with hormone preparations.

User tip 2
Contraceptive pill straight into the flowerpot

Of course, a pill can also be stuck directly into the ground (as close as possible to the plant stem), especially with smaller flower pots. Regular watering of the potted plant then also unfolds the fertilizing effect.

Tip: The fertilizing effect of a pill placed whole in the ground lasts for about 1 month.

Is the birth control pill enough as a fertilizer?

If you use the birth control pill as a fertilizer, however, it must be taken into account that the pills only promote plant growth, but do not provide them with the necessary nutrients.

Why the pill fertilization is only used sporadically and the potted plants also have to be supplied with a nutrient fertiliser.

Tip: Separate the periods of the respective fertilizer application by at least 2 weeks.

Reading tip: Use egg shells as fertiliser