Garden Claw - How useful is such a device?


Loosening up the soil can be made much easier with a garden claw. Read here how useful such a device is.

Loosen the soil with the garden claw

The garden tool, which is equipped with several tines, can be placed directly on the soil to be worked and pressed in slightly (use your leg to help) without having to bend down. Slight turning movements of the claw on the handles on both sides work the soil piece by piece - repeat the process over and over again!

A soil that has been loosened with the earth claw ensures that the plants are better supplied (increased absorption of nutrients and water). The garden soil is also not only loosened, but also aired at the same time. However, as is often wrongly assumed, you cannot completely dig up the ground with a garden claw. The Garden Claw should not be used in lawns.

Remove weeds with the garden claw

The garden claw can also be used to remove some weeds in the garden bed down to the root without any problems. To do this, the claw must be placed directly over the weed plant, pressed in and turned in one direction. The weeds are loosened from the soil, lifted briefly and disposed of in the household waste.

Tip: Weeds can be removed even more easily with the garden claw after a heavy downpour.

Hand Claw

A hand claw is also available from specialist retailers, which can be used for delicate work in the flower bed. Usually consisting of three small prongs, the same work is apparently done with the hand claw, but more laboriously and not nearly as deeply effective. However, blooming flower borders and vegetable beds require gentle treatment during the season. The large earth claw can usually only be used again in autumn to prepare the bed for the coming season.