If you want to propagate your plants, you can do it in a variety of ways. There are several ways to propagate plants.
Growing a plant nursery
In order to propagate a plant, it is usually enough to have just one plant of the respective variety in the garden. With a little skill, you can grow a whole plant nursery from this. We would like to introduce you to 4 techniques that you can use to propagate your plants.
Propagate plants - 4 techniques
- Leaf cuttings: Here, the individual leaves of succulent plants are simply broken out of the mother plant. The fractured areas should dry for a few hours. Then the leaves are simply stuck in potting soil. Cactus soil is best suited for this.
- Leaf stem cuttings: This method is mainly used for African violets. The leaf is stuck into the potting soil with the stalk. Roots form after a short time.
- Partial leaf cuttings: The leaves, especially the so-called spiny fruit, are divided lengthwise and placed in potting soil. Roots form below and new leaves grow above.
- Leaf vein cuttings: This method is used especially with begonias. The leaves are cut off the mother plant, the veins are scored on the underside and simply laid down on the ground. Don't forget to fix it. The roots then emerge from the veins.