Proper cleaning and care of your decking will ensure a beautiful appearance and also extend the life of the decking.

Prepare when laying
On the terrace, the wood has to withstand a lot because it is exposed to all kinds of weather. After all, sun, rain, ice and snow hit the floorboards without restriction. The changing weather can lead to the graying of the larch wood. The real risk lies in the construction. When larch comes into contact with soil, the wood can rot quickly. A well-ventilated substructure without direct contact with the ground protects against this.
Minimal joints between the individual floorboards and a joint between the house wall and the terrace ensure that rainwater runs off quickly. This will dry the decking boards faster. Also make sure that the floorboards are of high quality. The wood should be free of knots and varnished, otherwise there is a risk of splinters. Whether you prefer smooth or ribbed floorboards is a matter of taste. However, smooth planks are easier to clean and maintain. Grooved planks, on the other hand, are non-slip when wet.
Cleaning larch decking boards
Everyday dirt is best removed with a broom, scrubbing brush or hard brush and clear water. Perhaps you have the opportunity to borrow an industrial vacuum cleaner? The device makes this work step much easier for you, because thorough cleaning is often necessary, especially at the beginning of the season. Careful cleaning is particularly important in the gaps or with ribbed floorboards. You can easily remove loose dirt here with a conventional vacuum cleaner or alternatively with a car vacuum cleaner, with which you are not dependent on the power supply. HasIf moss accumulates there, it can affect the service life of the floorboards. Therefore, you must eliminate this one as well.
You can also remove stubborn dirt and moss with a high-pressure cleaner. But beware! Use the weakest level or hire a professional to avoid damaging the planks.
Care for larch decking boards
Maintenance maintains the beauty of the wooden floor and extends its lifespan. Larch develops a gray haze over time, which does not damage the wood, but not everyone likes it. With a hard wax oil or decking oil (e.g. available here), which you use once a year, you prevent graying and strengthen the wood against moisture. The natural light or reddish color is retained. If the gray haze has already struck, you can use a special degreying agent (e.g. available here).
Clean the floor thoroughly before oiling and let it dry well. Preferably a few days. Sealed or varnished floorboards must also be sanded down before oiling. Then apply the oil thinly to the wood with a rag. After a few minutes, you need to wipe off the excess oil again. After 24 hours you can re-enter the patio and set up furniture.