The checkerboard flower delights us with its extraordinary flowers and is an ornament for every flower garden. In addition, it is quite easy to care for.

The checkerboard flower (Fritillaria meleagris) has a history that goes back to the 16th century. At that time, the conspicuous early bloomer with its chessboard patterned leaves was quite common in the baroque gardens of Central Europe. Today the pretty plant is struggling to survive and is considered highly endangered in Germany and Austria. So make sure that checkered flowers continue to enrich the local flora. You can read all the necessary care tips below. But first of all we would like to introduce you to a few beautiful types of checkered flower.
Types of checkerboard flowers
The purple coloring is a trademark of the wild varieties. However, checkered flowers are offered in different color shades. This is particularly interesting for hobby gardeners who want to plant in groups. Three beautiful varieties are presented below:
❍ Fritillaria camschatcensis:
The Shade Checkerboard Flower has dark purple flowers that appear in early summer. The plants grow about 20 centimeters high.
❍ Fritillaria bucharica:
Pretty accents in the bed can be set with this white flowering variety. The flowers are wide open and appear as early as April. The plant appears quite vigorous and quickly gains in size. This variety originally grows in Afghanistan.
❍ Fritillaria Poseidon:
The flower color appears less intense in this checkerboard flower. In group plantings, however, the purple pink is a real asset.
Watering checkered flowers correctly
You must not neglect watering checkerboard flowers, because the water requirements of the plants are above average. The soil should not dry out, not even superficially. The soil must therefore always be moist and also look like it.
Quenching the plants' thirst doesn't seem like a problem at first. However, watering requires a sure instinct, because irrigation water must not accumulate in the ground.Waterlogging is a danger for the checkerboard flower. The problem: The bulbs start to rot if they are constantly exposed to moisture. You should therefore prepare the soil appropriately when planting. To do this, first loosen the substrate and then mix it with coarse sand or clay granules.
Also: Chessboard flowers love nutrient-rich soil. However, they do not tolerate too much lime. If you water the plants with tap water, you supply them with larger amounts of lime at the same time. You can prevent this by watering with rainwater.
Fertilize checkerboard flowers correctly
A nutrient-rich substrate is a prerequisite for he althy growth. An organic long-term fertilizer is an advantage. If you enrich the soil with compost when planting the checkered flower, the plant outdoors usually does not need any further fertilizer during the growth period. In the following years you should then fertilize with compost between March and May.
Plants in tubs, on the other hand, have a higher nutrient requirement. You should therefore provide the potted plants with liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every two weeks during the growth phase.
Does the checkerboard flower need to be cut back?
If the early bloomers begin to wither, the attractiveness of the plant also suffers. Withered flowers should therefore be removed from the plant in May.
If you want to propagate the plant by seed or if you want to sow the checkerboard flower yourself, you should leave the flowers on the plant and the development of the capsule fruits wait.
You should not cut back the stems at first. Wait until all parts of the plant above ground appear completely yellowed. Then the plant could provide itself with sufficient nutrients and build up energy reserves for the coming garden year.
Overwinter checkered flowers correctly
Even if the checkered flower may appear delicate and almost fragile in appearance and blossom, the winter in our latitudes cannot harm the plant. The bulbs can therefore remain in the ground because they tolerate temperatures down to -30 degrees.
However, a danger for the moisture-loving plant is frost. This means extreme and dry cold without snowfall. The snow cover serves the plant as a moisture depot. If, on the other hand, the ground is completely frozen, liquid intake is made more difficult. You should therefore be ready with the watering canstand and water the checkered flower on frost-free days. Alternatively, you can also take the bulbs out of the ground and overwinter them cool indoors.
Diseases and pests on the checkerboard flower
Maintenance error:
Robust and hardy, checkered flowers usually impress with strong growth and a he althy appearance. However, care mistakes can always be fatal to the plants. First and foremost, casting should be mentioned here. Too little and too much water are equally harmful. A he althy middle ground is the best choice.
Snail infestation:
When the snails start looking for food in spring, the supply is rather modest. No wonder early bloomers are becoming the declared goal. But snails are also attracted to the moist environment in the bed. Therefore, check the plants regularly for snails, as they can quickly become bare. Below are a few helpful tips against snails.
Onion Rot:
If waterlogging has formed, this is a danger for the flower bulb. If the bulbs rot in the ground, the plants will quickly lose vigor and turn yellow. The process of putrefaction is not only visible, but can also be identified by an ascending foul smell. If the bulb rots, the plant cannot be saved.