Planting trembling grass - this is how outdoor and container planting succeed

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In a garden there should not only be perennials and shrubs, but also grasses. Like the trembling grass, for example. Learn how to plant it properly here.

Quilting grass (briza) is a welcome guest in the garden bed, because when the blades of sweet grass start to tremble in the wind, it is a very pretty sight. This makes the bed appear lively and relaxed. However, you must first plant the trembling grass properly. We would like to explain to you in more detail here what you should bear in mind.

What types of quaking grass can be planted?

In Europe, the quaking grass can be divided into three species. Distinctions can be made here in the growth height and in the shape of the ears. The most impressive spikelets are found in the trembling grass Briza maxima. It can therefore also be planted very well in the background of beds or in the background of ponds. The spikes of the trembling grass Briza media, which is native to our latitudes, are slightly smaller. This plant is perennial. The species Briza maxima and Briza minima, native to the Mediterranean region, are only annuals and therefore have to be replanted every year.

Find the right location

Although the trembling grass at the water's edge is particularly attractive, we are not doing the plant any real favors. Because sweet grasses love it dry and sunny. Nevertheless, you do not have to do without planting at the edge of the pond. Simply select drier areas in the pond background. The trembling grass can stand in full sun, but also tolerates partial shade. It is important that you note that the quaking grass requires sufficient planting distance, as no deep roots are formed, only short rhizomes.

The ideal location in keywords:

  • sunny
  • warm
  • light
  • dry

Selecting the ideal substrate

The Quaking Grass prefers a dry and well-drained soil. Heavy soils can be made more permeable by adding coarse sand. It should be a neutral to slightly acidic soil. Whether this is the case can be easily determined by a soil pH testfind out. The pH should be between 5 and 7. By the way, you can get the relevant tests for a few euros in any hardware store and garden center.

The right substrate in keywords:

  • loose
  • permeable
  • neutral to slightly acidic
  • pH 5 to 7

Planting trembling grass - step by step instructions

Quiting grass can be planted all year round. Spring and autumn are the ideal times for planting. Proceed as follows:

❶ Remove stones, weeds and roots from the ground:
At the selected location you must first remove stones and debris from the ground. Quaking grasses love loose soil. If this cannot be met, it is helpful to add coarse sand or gravel to the substrate to make it looser. You can also add compost to the substrate. This is particularly advisable in poor soils. This gives the plant better growing conditions. But note: The soil should not be too rich in nutrients. Therefore, work in the compost sparingly. The plants do not tolerate additional fertilizer.

❷ Planting trembling grass:
When planting it should also be noted that trembling grasses do not tolerate moisture. Therefore, fill up a small hill when planting and put the trembling grass there. This allows the water to drain off better and does not accumulate.

When planting, you must ensure a minimum distance of 30 to 40 centimeters. You should therefore use no more than about six plants per square meter.

❸ Close the planting holes and water well:
Close the planting holes and then water the trembling grass well.

If the trembling grass has later grown into a strong plant, you can divide the rhizomes in spring and thus propagate the trembling grass.

Cultivate quaking grass in buckets

Quilting grass is also preferred in pots because of its decorative appearance. When planting in a bucket, however, you should pay attention to a few things so that the plant can be content in the bucket and the associated rather limited food supply all year round. You must note the following:

❍ use a sufficiently large planter:

So that the trembling grass can spread well, you should not choose a planter that is too small. The plant does not have deep roots, but forms rhizomes just below the surface of the earth. Therefore you shouldChoose a planter that is wider than deeper.

❍ Create drainage in the bottom of the vessel:

You should use unit earth and enrich it with perlite. Potted plants are particularly susceptible to waterlogging. A drainage made of gravel or shards of pottery can protect against waterlogging. After planting, you should water the trembling grass sufficiently.

❍ Protect quaking grass in the bucket in winter:

In winter, the container plant is less resilient than specimens cultivated outdoors. Therefore, you should check the soil regularly. Watering can be done on frost-free days so that the soil does not dry out completely. In order not to endanger the roots, you should apply a layer of leaves, mulch or brushwood. This also ensures that the moisture stays in the soil longer. Shivering grass also needs a sheltered location in winter and should never be too wet. Otherwise this could cause the roots to rot.