Colorful blossoms and expansive leaves are the trademark of the Losbaum. To keep it that way, you should know a few things about caring for the shrub.

How do you recognize a lottery tree?
Its ultimate size depends a lot on its surroundings. Normally, the Losbaum is about 1.5 to 2.5 meters high and wide, with a bushy and sprawling crown. In a wine-growing climate, however, it can easily grow up to five meters high and four meters wide. Without further action, it grows as a large shrub. Anyone who prefers to cultivate the "Harlequin Glory Bower" as a small tree can do so too.
» Note: The lotus tree grows very slowly, so gardeners should be patient.
By the way, the Clerodendrum trichotomum belongs to the mint family, which can be seen very nicely at the flowering time by the fragrant, approx. three centimeter large, white-red flowers, which bloom from the end of July or beginning of August into September . The leaves of the so-called tree of destiny are elliptical in shape and comparatively large. Their color is purple when they sprout, later they are dark green. While the smell of the flowers is reminiscent of vanilla, the leaves give off a strong smell - at least if you touch them firmly. Unfortunately, the blue-black drupes of the Losbaum are not edible.
Loss tree - what should be considered when caring for it?
In itself, the loose tree is very easy to care for, but - during the main growing season - it is happy about fertilizer every week. A fertilizer with a balanced ratio of phosphorus and nitrogen is particularly helpful. If the mix has too much nitrogen, the foliage will grow first.
How much water does he needLosbaum?
In order to keep the soil surrounding the Losbaum constantly moist without causing waterlogging, which is dangerous for the roots, the soil should dry out after each watering. In fact, the Losbaum only needs additional watering when it is particularly hot. As a deciduous shrub, it can provide itself with all the nutrients it needs.
Pruning the loose tree - this is how it blooms more beautifully every year
This also shows how easy the Clerodendrum trichotomum is to care for: pruning is normally only necessary after flowering or a rest period. The exception to this is frost damage to the branches - these should be cut away in late spring. Twigs that are growing inwards or have dried out, as well as strong water shoots, should be removed. In order not to expose the sapling to unnecessary risk, the tool should be clean and sharp so that the cuts are even. In addition, the cut should always be made above a bud that is facing outwards.
Overwinter lottery tree
The overwintering of the Losbaum differs depending on the planting location:
- Loss tree overwintering in the ground
Especially in the cold season, you can see how easy the lot tree is to care for. Minus temperatures of around 15 degrees cannot harm it. After shedding its foliage, the shrub begins its dormant period and requires no further protection measures. Only in icy frosts is it grateful for a blanket of foliage that should be placed over its roots. In his youth it can still happen in extreme weather conditions that he freezes back to the ground. But as early as next spring, the small shrub will sprout again from its root ball. - Loss tree overwinter in tubs
Tub plants must be relocated in winter to protect the roots. The location should not be too dark. Optimal conditions are also an unheated room with a temperature of 10 to 12°C. Watering is kept to a minimum here to prevent the root ball from drying out. Fertilization is avoided during this period. If you let your Losbaum overwinter on the balcony or terrace, insulate the entire tub to protect it from frost. Special foils for covering the bucket are an ideal solution here. In addition, the bucket should also be protected from below, for example by placing it on a styrofoam plate.» Tip: The branches will be grateful if they are carefully covered with a jute sack.
Loose tree care as a container plant
In addition to being kept as a shrub in the garden, it is also possible to take care of the loose tree as a small ornamental tree in the home. Here, however, he needs a little more care than his conspecifics outdoors. Here the constant moisture that the tree needs is solely in the hands of its owner. A coaster has proven to be helpful here. It is used to control humidity. It should only contain the amount of water that is actually needed for one day. In the apartment, too, the Losbaum needs more water on hot days. Incidentally, it counteracts dry room air by shedding its leaves. You should try to keep the air moist with a humidifier. Of course, it's easier with a bowl of water that also contains small stones.
» Tip: Slightly loamy soil is particularly suitable for retaining moisture.
The loose tree as a house or container plant also needs fertilizer regularly. An all-round liquid fertilizer, which is administered every two weeks in spring and summer, has proven to be particularly beneficial here.
Loss tree: pests and diseases
Fortunately, the loose tree is not susceptible to pests and diseases. At most, aphids and spider mites, which are favored by dry heating air, could be a problem. In this case, however, it helps to rinse the upper and lower sides of the leaves thoroughly. In addition, sufficient humidity should be ensured.
Losbaum FAQ - frequently asked questions and answers
The leaves have spots in need - is my lot tree sick?
If the spots are sharply defined, the leaves are probably sunburned. As already mentioned, the jewelry tree does not tolerate the midday sun, so a change of location should be considered. Unfortunately, the leaves will not regenerate, so the only option is to remove them. As soon as better conditions prevail, the lottery tree will continue to grow normally.The lottery tree loses its hangings - what's wrong?
If the leaves fall after the infructescence, everything is fine, because the lottery tree sheds during the hibernation unnecessary ballast. This can go so far that almost all the leaves fall off. But don't worry: they will sprout again in the spring. Growth can be promoted by pruning or topiary in spring.The loose tree loses its leaves in the center!
In this case, a pruning inside inbe considered. This gives the plant the opportunity to recover and sprout again.My lottery tree is not getting any fruit!
Either the plant is simply too young or it is not being cross-pollinated.