Klivia are beautiful plants that unfortunately require a bit of care. On the one hand, it can be troubled by pests, for example, and on the other hand, maintenance mistakes.
With its dark green leaves and bright umbels of flowers, the exotic clivia is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is insensitive to diseases. What at first glance looks like a plant disease is usually just the result of incorrect care. Some pests, on the other hand, like to settle on the plant. Above all, scale insects, mealybugs and mealybugs cause problems for the Klivia. But here, too, care plays an important role, because the lice are particularly likely to appear if the plant is overwintered too warm.
Typical care mistakes
❍ yellow and brown leaves:
The klivia was a real gem in the flower shop, but is it ailing at home? Yellow, brown or wilted leaves are usually a sign of improper care. If the plant gets too much and too strong sun, the leaves will burn. You can see this from the yellow and brown leaves or spots on the leaves. Cut off the burned parts and place the clivia in a bright place, but without direct and blazing midday sun. The window glass can greatly enhance the effect of the sun, so better make a move. If possible, the clivia should stay in the new place permanently, because it doesn't like constant changes of location.
❍ wilted leaves/root rot:
The plant gets wilted leaves if it doesn't get enough water. Too much water, on the other hand, leads to brown leaf tips. Waterlogging also causes the roots to rot. You can change both causes: Water more until the leaves have recovered. Otherwise, take the clivia out of the pot. Cut off rotten root parts and then let the rootstock dry. Now put the clivia in fresh soil, while also creating a reasonable drainage at the bottom of the pot.
❍ short shaft:
The special thing about the clivia are the flowers, which sit on a long, slender flower stem and tower over the leaves. If the stem stays very short, the plant has too muchPreserved water and stands too warm. It is completely harmless if the roots fill the entire pot or even form aerial roots.
Here is another reading tip: Clivia - How to make Clivia bloom.
How to get rid of lice on the clown
The pest species cover scale, mealybug and mealybug are mostly found on the leaf blades and between the leaves, very close to the rootstock. You can recognize an infestation by a sticky substance secreted by the lice. If you look closely, you can also see the parasites.
As an immediate measure, it helps if you shower the plant vigorously with lukewarm water. Brush the sticky areas that remain afterwards with a solution of soft soap and spirit. Leave the mixture for a few hours and then rinse the plant with clean water. As a precaution, you should keep the plant cool in winter. A too warm location literally attracts the lice.