Plants that tolerate waterlogging


If there is waterlogging in the garden, then great beds can also be created there. All you have to do is know which plants can tolerate waterlogging and thrive there.

Small plants and medium-sized perennials
Of the smaller varieties, which can reach a height of up to 30 centimetres, primula, bittercress and the carnation. Together these three plants form a carpet of flowers from January to September. Medium-sized perennials that are between 30 and 120 centimeters are, for example, meadowsweet, cranesbill, gerbil, globe flower, speedwell, Indian nettle and purple loosestrife. These perennials usually flower between June and September.

Large plants and trees and shrubs
If it is allowed to get a little bigger, then planting coneflowers, which can grow up to two meters high, is a good idea . It flowers from August to October. Alternatively, of course, trees and shrubs can also be planted - or you can combine a few plants with each other. The black alder is particularly noteworthy, as it can even withstand flooding. But the pear pear, the dogwood, the euonymus, the holly, the ranunculus, the mountain ash and the viburnum also like moist soil and thrive there.

As you can see, there are some plants that tolerate waterlogging. So you can also beautifully plant beds in which waterlogging occurs more frequently.