Plants that need little water


Climate change often shows us more than clearly: summers are getting drier, it rains less and temperatures are rising. Even if you can hardly believe it given the course of some summer months. Nevertheless, it is a fact that many plants in the garden also suffer from. But there are also plants that need little water.

So that watering doesn't get out of hand, you can reduce watering from the outset with a few tricks.

Cultivate the soil
First you should completely remove the weeds from the corresponding bed. Then work the floor. If the soil is heavy with gravel or grit, make the soil more permeable, or if the soil contains too much sand, use bentonite (clay mineral flour).

Choose the right plants
But what is particularly important are the right plants, which naturally require less water.

Stems that need little water
For the trees you can fall back on summer lilac, summer broom, smoke bush or bearded beard.

Perennials that require little water
Among the perennials, we recommend ornamental onions, hyacinths, yarrow, fat hens, speedwells and also asters and the perennially yellow flowering ordinary Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida Goldsturm). With this selection, the garden will look pretty for a long time, even without having to water it every day.