Pests on oleanders

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Oleander is a beautiful conservatory plant. However, there are various pests that can sometimes severely affect your oleander.

Would you like to breathe a Mediterranean ambience into your balcony or terrace? Then the oleander (Nerium oleander) is the right choice for you. It is one of the most beautiful plants in the Mediterranean region and is suitable both as a hedge and as a bush or tree. Since the sun-kissed plant is used to a lot of heat and sunshine, a certain amount of sensitivity is required when keeping the plant in the home garden. Among other things, you always have to check whether pests are spreading on the beautiful plant. The oleander is somewhat susceptible to this.

These pests are particularly common

» Spider mites:

Spider mites are the biggest problem. They seem to be in love with the oleander. The small animals can be recognized by the webbing they leave on the leaves. The undersides of the leaves are particularly affected. They suck on the leaves, causing leaf mottle. After a while, the entire sheet will appear silvery.

➜ Combat:

If you want to get rid of spider mites, start by increasing the humidity. If that doesn't help on its own, you can't avoid using a pesticide. Here, preparations based on rapeseed oil (e.g. Naturen Schädlingsfrei from Substral) have proven their worth. They cover the plant like a film and ensure that the spider mites suffocate underneath. So that this really helps, it is advisable to spray the oleander with the agent about three times a year.

» Aphids:

Aphids actually stop at no plant. Not even in front of the oleander. It does not matter whether it is an outdoor or indoor plant. They often appear on the soft parts of the oleander, i.e. on the flowers and new shoots. The little animals don't stand a chance with the harder parts. They suck out the plant sap from the soft parts and then in turn excrete honeydew. The sucking itself is not so bad - the honeydew is even more so. Because the sticky juice attracts ants. In addition, sooty mold fungi settle on itwhich can be recognized by a black coating.

➜ Combat:

Aphids are actually quite easy to fight. As a rule, it is sufficient if you spray the oleander a few times with a strong jet of water. You can also get rid of aphids by spraying the oleander with nettle or garlic broth.

» scale insects:

Scale insects have a dark shield that allows them to make themselves almost invisible to human eyes. They usually sit on the tips of the shoots and on the underside of the leaves. They also secrete honeydew, which in turn attracts ants and sooty mold fungi.

➜ Combat:

Get rid of scale insects by spraying the plant with a mixture of soft soap and water. This detaches the pests from the underground. After a certain exposure time, spray the oleander with a strong jet of water and the problem should be solved. Otherwise, rapeseed oil-based products also help here.

» Mealybugs:

Mealybugs can also spread out on the oleander. You can recognize an infestation by the white, cotton-like spots on the plant. They suck out the plant sap and then excrete a white wax coating that is reminiscent of small cotton balls. These then serve as protection for the pest.

➜ Combat:

The best remedy against mealybugs is a pesticide that contains neem oil, such as Bayer's organic pest-free neem (e.g. available here). This remedy prevents the lice from reproducing. A mixture of paraffin oil, water and detergent that you spray on the leaves has also proven effective. The oil covers the plant like a film and ensures that the pests suffocate.

» thrips (thunderflies):

What sounds very cute from their name are 1 to 2 millimeter large animals that feed on the cell sap of the oleander and pierce the surface of the leaves with their mouthparts. If fungi then settle, this leaves speckles on the leaves. In addition, the thrips also deposit many dark drops of droppings.

➜ Combat:

Since thrips prefer a warm and dry environment, it is advisable to increase the humidity in the first place. So spray your plants with water more frequently during the day (not during the blazing midday sun!). To combat the tiny insects, you can also use preparations with the active ingredients of the neem tree. Who still nettle broth orGarlic broth has to be ready can also be used to combat thrips.