Tuberose - plants, care, cut & overwinter

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Tuberose is an attractive flowering perennial for the garden and a charming ornament for the vase at home. You can find out how to care for this perennial here.

Elegance, upright inflorescences and lasting blooms make garden flowers favorites for vase decoration. Tuberose (Agave polianthes) has such an outstanding property. Just the astounding number of bud sites that emanate from just one plant is impressive. Rather, the wonderful fragrance that the flowers exude and which increases strongly in the evening is captivating.

We present the magnificent flowering shrub and give you important care instructions.

Agave polianthes briefly portrayed

The tuberose develops up to 1 meter high flower stalks on which a large number of white and, depending on the breed, pink to reddish, intensely fragrant flowers unfold. Planted at different times, the tuberoses flower from July to October.

The plant develops from a bulb and is not hardy.

A sunny, sheltered location is ideal

Agave polianthes finds the best conditions in a sunny location. However, this should be protected from the wind so that the long flower stalks are not bent over by light gusts.

❏ A permeable and nutrient-rich soil is preferred
Plant your plants in nutrient-rich and permeable soil. Loosen loamy soil with plenty of sand and mature compost.

❏ Planting tuberose bulbs
Tuberose plants can be grown indoors from March to June. To do this, you put the bulbs in flower pots with potting soil. Then the pots are placed in a bright, not too warm place. At first keep the substrate for the cultivation only slightly damp. When the first leaves appear, water the tuberose plants a little more.

You can plant the early plants in the garden from May. If you want your flowering perennials to decorate the bed as a group, then plant the fragrant ornamental perennials 30 centimeters apart.

You can also plant the bulbs directly in the garden. Wait until the danger of frost has largely banned. In rather mild weather conditionsthe bulbs can go into the ground from the end of March, in harsh areas from mid-April.

It makes sense to plant several bulbs at intervals of 2 weeks, so you can cut the flowers for the vase over a longer period of time.

❏ Watering during longer dry periods
Tuberose is particularly easy to care for, and this also applies to watering. Weather-related rain is sufficient. However, you should water the bulbous plant in the morning during prolonged dry periods.

❏ Fertilize with the irrigation water
The agave polianthes is fertilized as soon as the first flower buds appear. Use liquid flower fertilizer for this, such as this one here, which you give to your plants with the irrigation water. Be sure to follow the dosing instructions.

❏ It is only cut for the vase
The enchanting flowering perennial is ideal as a cut flower. Cut the tuberose for the vase in the morning and use a flower stalk on which one flower has opened and the second is just unfurling.

Place the freshly cut flowers in a tall vase with lukewarm water. If you like, you can also combine the Agave polianthes with other cut flowers.

❏ Overwintering tuberose
The bulbs of the plant are sensitive to frost. Therefore, tuberose does not overwinter in the garden. Before the first frost, remove the plants from the ground. Then let the onions dry in an airy place. The plant bulbs are stored in a dark and dry place at low temperatures. Turn the bulbs regularly during the winter. A frost-free garage or a dry basement are ideal for winter quarters.

In summary: The tuberose is characterized by its fragrant flowers. A sunny and sheltered location is ideal for the flower. The soil should be permeable and rich in nutrients. Otherwise, the tuberose is frugal in the care. However, before the first frost the bulbs should be pulled out of the ground and overwintered in a dark, dry and cool place.