Snowberry: The most beautiful varieties at a glance

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If you think that the snowberry can only convince with white snap peas, you are wrong. In certain varieties, pink or purple peas adorn the bush.

The snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus) is a popular shrub in the garden. The spike-shaped inflorescences enchant in the green foliage. In autumn, dense clusters of berries form, which are a beautiful ornament until winter. When the fruits fall to the ground, they burst with a slight popping sound. The snowberry is therefore also known as cracker pea or cracker pea bush. The berries are white, pink or purple in color. We present the most beautiful varieties of the easy-care shrub, which are a beautiful eye-catcher in every garden.

But be careful if you have children: the fruits of the shrub are slightly poisonous. Skin irritation is possible, the berries must not be eaten!

Snowberry bushes with white berries

The common snowberry is the most common. The undemanding shrub bears pink flowers in spring and spherical, white berries from September. It grows up to two meters high and has overhanging, spreading branches. The shrub is ideal for border and hedge planting. Interesting varieties of snowberry offer many possibilities for the garden.

» By the way: With all snowberry bushes, it's not just the berries that are attractive. In spring, the soft pink flowers are one of the first sources of food for bees.

The "White Hedge" variety remains rather small. The growth is compact, the shrub reaches a height of about one and a half meters. The white berries are particularly large. 'White Hedge' works well as a specimen plant in the front yard, but can also enrich a mixed hedge. The thick, white berries come into their own with evergreen neighbors.

The "Mother of Pearl" variety grows upright. The berries grow in dense clusters. They are white at first, then gradually turn light pink and later become intense pink to purple. The color transition looks very pretty when the white berries get pink cheeks. Great look, soft shine of the berries: You can also find the shrub under the namePearlbush.

Snowberry with pink berries

If you are looking for a snowberry variety with an upright habit, you will find just the right shrub with "Magical Sweet Fantasy". The spherical berries are pink to red. "Magical Sweet Fantasy" is a densely leafy shrub in spring and summer, and the pink to red berries provide beautiful color effects in autumn.

The “Magical Candy” variety has countless dark pink berries. The shrub grows about 150 centimeters high. It grows bushy, but can easily be kept in shape with regular trimmings. The berries sit in thick, lush clusters on the branches and appear polished.

Purple pea bushes with purple berries

Snowberry bushes with pink to purple berries are also known as purple berries. A hybrid of the low purple berry and the common snow berry that is worth seeing is the "Amethyst" variety. The name, derived from the gemstone amethyst, describes the berry color very well. Purple berry bushes are a magical eye-catcher with their brightly colored berries in the snow.