Red sorrel looks great in the garden and is also good for eating. We will show you what needs to be considered when planting and caring for it.
The blood dock (Rumex sanguineus) is still a fairly young face in the herb garden. This relative of the sorrel quickly made a name for itself thanks to its rapid growth and decorative appearance.
The deep red leaf veins catch the eye and in late summer the rather inconspicuous flowers of the plant, also known as grove dock, appear. The young leaves of the robust wild plant are delicious in salads and are said to have a blood-cleansing effect.
Small description of plants
Rumex sanguineus | |
Growth: | up to 40 cm |
Usage: | Herb bed, balcony box, plant pot |
Leaves: | Arrow-like, fresh green leaves with red leaf veins |
Floor: | not demanding, but needs a lot of water |
Location: | full sun to shade |
Frost hardiness: | good |
The sorrel is a perennial plant of the knotweed family. The plants grow a little over half a meter tall. The oblong, egg-shaped leaves are rich green in color and have reddish leaf markings. The leaves can grow up to 14 centimeters long.
The grove dock prefers a moist environment and is often found near bodies of water. This decorative plant, which is easy to cultivate and propagate, is also often found along damp roadsides.
Use and benefits
The sorrel got its name from its red veins. Visually, the close relationship to the sorrel cannot be denied. However, the grove dock has a milder taste. Its attractive appearance makes the sorrel a popular ornamental plant.The flavorful wild plant can be used to refine vegetable dishes or sauces. However, the grove dock is not suitable for cooking.
Tip: If you want to carry out a blood-cleansing spring cure,should consume small amounts of the leaves daily for a period of 14 days.
The young leaves can also be added to fresh salad. Finely chopped leaves serve as a soup side dish. In folk medicine, the fresh juice of the blood dock is used in the form of mouthwashes to treat inflammation in the mouth.
Warning: Blood sorrel should not be consumed in large quantities. The leaves contain oxalic acid. The concentration is particularly high during the flowering period in the summer months.
Healing effect of blood dock
Red sorrel has a high content of vitamin C and the plant is said to have a number of medicinal properties:
- blood cleansing
- diuretic
- appetizing
Anyone who suffers from iron deficiency and takes appropriate preparations should not eat blood dock, because the plant makes it difficult for the body to absorb iron.
Is blood dock poisonous?
Red dock contains significant amounts of oxalic acid, especially in midsummer. Therefore, if possible, only the young leaves should be harvested and eaten. Oxalic acid not only inhibits iron absorption, it also binds calcium and other important minerals in the body. Furthermore, oxalic acid promotes the formation of kidney stones.
Plant Blood Sorrel
Suitable location
The blood dock originally comes from the Mediterranean region. However, the plant has also become native to Western and Central Europe. The quite undemanding blood dock prefers a warm and humid location.For many plants, compacted soil that tends to waterlogging is completely unsuitable. The blood dock, on the other hand, gets along very well with it. If you own a garden pond, the ideal location is quickly found.
Red Sorrel likes a sunny site. This increases the need for moisture. The plant does not cope well with longer dry periods.
Ideal substrate
A nutrient-rich substrate is to be preferred. A sandy or loamy soil is well suited. The substrate can also be slightly acidic. The lime content should not be classified too high. The soil must not dry out, but should not be too wet either.
Planting Blood Sorrel - Step by Step
1. Determine location
2. Prepare soil
3. Dig out plants
4. Insert plants
5. Fill up substrate
6. Press down soil7. Water the plant
Once the soil has been prepared and cleared of stones, weeds and roots,the plant can be used. The planting hole should be at least twice the size of the root ball. After planting, the sorrel should be watered well.
The most important planting tips at a glance
Activity | Explanation |
Set Location | • humid • warm • edge of pond |
Prepare the ground | • nutritious • low in lime • moist |
planting | • Prepare the soil • Planting hole twice the size of the root ball • Water the plant well |
Care for Blood Sorrel
Water the blood rampart properly
Watering the sorrel in the field should not be neglected. Ideally, plants are planted near the pond and the pond overflows from time to time and feeds the plant. The soil should not dry out completely.
If the blood dock is cultivated in a pot, the soil can dry out slightly. Excess water should be able to drain from the planter. So that it doesn't rot.
Fertilize blood dock properly
Regular fertilization is not necessary. If some organic vegetable fertilizer is mixed into the substrate when planting, the plant is sufficiently supplied with nutrients. Compost is also a very good long-term fertilizer. This can be worked into the ground in spring and autumn.
Increase Blood Sorrel
The propagation of the blood dock is possible by division and sowing.
Overwinter blood ramparts correctly
The blood dock is hardy down to temperatures of -20 degrees and therefore does not need frost protection. Plants cultivated in tubs should be moved indoors during severe frosts. Since the planters can quickly freeze through, the plants no longer receive sufficient nutrients and die.Potted plants should also be watered occasionally during the winter months. The blood dock can also be watered in the bed on frost-free days. The moisture-loving plant does not tolerate prolonged drought.
Increase Blood Sorrel
Reproduction by division
In an ideal location, the blood sorrel spreads quickly. Sufficiently vigorous plants can be propagated by division. To do this, the entire plant is first lifted out of the ground. Care should be taken to avoid damaging the roots.
The plants can now easily be divided by hand. In just a few simple steps, you can create anymany new plants. However, it is important to ensure that there are sufficient roots on each section. Then the plants will develop well in their new location and can be divided again after about two to three years.
Propagation by seed
Red Sorrel can be grown in planters on a sunny window sill in early spring. Sowing can also be carried out directly outdoors from April.
Warning: The blood sorrel needs light to germinate. The seeds should only be pressed lightly into the soil, but not covered with substrate.
When sowing the seeds, keep a row spacing of 40 centimeters. The planting distance should be at least 25 centimeters.
Detecting and remedying diseases of the sorrel
It is a hardy plant that hardly suffers from diseases. The sorrel's biggest enemy are aphids.
These can occur due to the following maintenance errors:
- Location too dry
- overfertilized soil
- too warm winter location
Aphids can also be reliably driven away without chemical pest control. Ladybugs, assassin bugs or lacewings take on this task as natural predators in the herb garden.
In the case of a light infestation, it is often sufficient to use a hard jet of water. Spraying the plant with nettle manure has also proven effective.
Tip: Neighboring plants such as chives, rosemary, lavender, fennel or valerian protect the blood dock from aphid infestation.