Care for Buddleia properly

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If you like butterflies, you can attract them to the garden with the summer lilac. However, it only thrives if you take good care of it.

Summer lilac (Buddleja) is a colorful and wonderfully fragrant plant that magically attracts butterflies. Hence the nickname butterfly bush. This differs from the normal lilac in the flowering period and in the cutting options. While the normal lilac blooms in May, the summer lilac starts blooming in July. In addition, the normal lilac does not have to be pruned, while you can't go wrong with a pruning of the summer lilac.

In terms of appearance, the two types of lilac are very similar. Buddleia inflorescences are also usually white, pink, dark blue, or crimson. As far as the growth height is concerned, the butterfly bush can reach up to 5 meters with a regular cut. But only if you give it the right care.

Suitable location for the Buddleia

The summer lilac doesn't actually need much care. You already create a good basis, for example, if you choose the right location. The summer lilac loves a sunny place, which is also somewhat sheltered from the wind. But it also thrives very well in semi-shade. The only important thing is that the soil conditions are right. A light, dry and well-drained soil that contains many nutrients is optimal. Here the butterfly bush can develop well. Heavy and permanently damp soils, on the other hand, are unsuitable.

Cutting Buddleia

Even if the soil conditions are right, it can happen that the fast-growing bush takes care of itself in spring and doesn't really want to get going. Then only one thing helps: cut back radically! You don't have to have any inhibitions here. You can cut off the entire branches about 30 centimeters above the ground. In this way you can also remove old, frozen and diseased shoots. And while you're at it, you can also completely remove shoots that are growing inwards or that are crossing.

As long as the bush hasn't frozen (which rarely happens), the first buds will be visible again just a few days after pruning. In a few weeks the bush will theneven bigger than ever before. And some of the flowers are more than twice as big as last year.

Pruning is best done in spring (April) on a frost-free day. This gives the summer lilac enough time to form new shoots.

Watering & fertilizing Buddleia:

If you have just planted the summer lilac, you must water it regularly. Especially in the summer months. But make sure that there is no waterlogging. Older plants, on the other hand, only need to be watered during a prolonged dry period.

If you want to do everything right, water the buddleia with hard water. Instead of taking the water from the water butt, as is otherwise advisable with all other plants, it is better to use tap water.

As far as fertilization is concerned, you don't really have to pay attention to anything with summer lilac. Only after a pruning is it advisable to give some mature compost, as this stimulates the growth of new shoots.

Butterfly Lilac Overwinter

Depending on the variety, the butterfly bush is hardy down to -15 degrees. Plants older than three years do not need protection in winter. However, if you have just planted the summer lilac, you must protect it from frost in winter. It is best to cover it with brushwood or straw.

As far as potted plants are concerned, it is always advisable to overwinter them in a frost-free room indoors. You can also bury the bucket and container in the garden and cover it with brushwood or straw.

By the way: Most buddleia species freeze back in winter. Sometimes even completely. But don't panic, the summer lilac will usually sprout again next spring.