Plants that are not hardy can suffer frost damage in a sudden onset of winter. But most of the time they can be saved.
Particularly potted plants that you have outside in summer are sensitive to frost. Here the frost damage usually occurs in the root area. In garden plants, on the other hand, it is usually mainly the leaves and branches that are affected. If you don't act in time and bring the plants into the house or protect them properly, you will see the full extent of the disaster by spring at the latest.
If you didn't act in time, you will be able to see the frost damage with the naked eye. Finally, there are some characteristics. For example, the leaves of the plants change color or they curl up and even fall off completely. However, the shoots often hang limp and the plant becomes mushy. Accordingly, it no longer drives out in the spring. So always do something in time and protect your plants from the frost.
When do plants need to be protected?
Some plants tolerate temperatures slightly below freezing. So it's generally best not to bring plants inside too early, as the fresh air will strengthen them and make them more resistant to disease. If the temperatures permanently fall below 5 degrees, then the time has come for most plants. Then you must either bring them indoors or provide them with appropriate protection to prevent frost damage.
How to recognize frost damage
» Frost damage to bedding plants:
If you do not cover bedding plants with straw, brushwood or garden fleece in good time, the plants can quickly suffer frost damage in winter. Do not cut off the frozen parts of the plant immediately! Wait until the plant sprouts again. This will give you a better idea of which parts are actually dead and which aren't.
» Frost damage to potted plants:
If, contrary to expectations, there is frost and you forgot your potted plants outside, then they are far from lost. You can recognize frost damage to potted plants, for example, by the fact that the leaves droop. Then you should post them immediatelyget indoors and store them in a room at a maximum of 7 degrees. At the same time, it is advisable to check the roots. If these are still in order, then you must water the plant regularly. She often recovers afterwards. However, if the roots are already rotten, you won't be able to save the plant.
You can also scrape off some of the bark with your fingernail to see if the container plant is still alive. If the shoot underneath is green, the plant is still alive. If it is brown under the bark, the plant is already dead.
» Frost damage to trees:
In the case of trees, frost damage is usually not only reflected in brown and dried-up leaves. Cracks in the bark can also occur in very cold winters. They are caused by high temperature differences on the tree trunk. For example, due to the high temperature differences between day and night or due to solar radiation. To prevent this, you should wrap the tree trunks with fleece or straw. You can also protect the trees from frost cracking with a lime coat. This is a white lime paint (e.g. available here) that reflects the sunlight.
» Frost damage to evergreen plants:
Evergreen trees such as photinia, cherry laurel and oleaster are thirsty even in winter. After all, even in the cold season, they evaporate a lot of water through their leaves. However, if temperatures have been below zero for a longer period of time, the roots can no longer absorb water from the soil. The result: the tips of the shoots turn brown and the plant dries up. To prevent this, it is advisable to protect the evergreen trees from the sun with a shading net. You should also water the trees on frost-free days.