Plant Calla - You have to consider this when sowing in the garden and in tubs

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Callas are no longer just houseplants. The plants are increasingly decorating gardens and tubs. And the best? They are very easy to grow. See for yourself.

Callas are very undemanding plants[/caption] White cup-shaped flowers, deep green, upward-pointing leaves and an enchanting elegance - there is no question that this is definitely the Calla. A plant that can no longer only be found in flowerpots in the house, but also gives gardens a noble expression. And although the plant comes from southern Africa, there are no problems planting the calla in this country. You even have two options.

Callas, also known as Zantedeschia, can be sown from seed, but this often takes several years. It's much easier with bulb bulbs. This works very well in the garden and in the flower pot and is not difficult at all.

Planting Calla in pots or tubs

The best time to plant calla bulbs is spring from March to May. Callas, which are in heated interiors all year round, can be planted from February or, alternatively, in the fall. Callas make no special demands on the soil. Use ordinary potting or garden soil and mix in a little sand to improve the water permeability of the substrate.

When placing the onion in the pot or bucket, make sure that the round, root-forming side is pointing down and the tip is pointing up. The planting depth is five to seven centimeters. Submerge the pot planted with the onion under water until no more bubbles appear. Excess water must then be able to drain off easily.

Planting calla in the garden

Do not plant your calla lilies in the garden until the ice saints are over. An earlier date from March is possible, but the plant may be lost if the temperature falls below freezing again in mid-May. If you want to make good use of all of spring, simply start growing the bulbs indoors from March and then plant them afterIce saints into the open air.

Be careful not to damage the roots when you lift the plant from the flower pot. Tilt the pot and loosen the substrate with quick wrist shakes. Then grasp the onion with two fingers and carefully pull it out. Choose a sunny spot in the garden that is well protected from the wind for your Calla.

Watering Calla Properly

Once you have planted your Calla, the biggest challenge is watering it correctly. Plants are used to both wet and dry periods of the year in their natural habitat. As a rule of thumb, you can remember: until flowering in June or July, calla lilies like it moist and then rather dry. You should also stop fertilizing the plants after flowering.