Keep begonia as a houseplant - important tips on location and care

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Begonias aren't just for gardens, balconies and patios. With the right care, they will also feel at home in the apartment.

It not only cuts an excellent figure outdoors: the begonia is also a fascinating houseplant. In a bright, not too warm location, it unfolds its full splendor and delights its viewers. The unbelievable diversity of species offers both flowering specimens and leaf begonias. Depending on the variety, the leaves of leaf begonias are jagged, fringed or rolled and of different sizes. Many varieties also impress with beautiful leaf markings in green and red tones. The best thing about it: the maintenance effort is low and begonias are robust and long-lasting.

Low maintenance, fantastic effect!

There are special varieties that are particularly suitable as indoor plants. This includes, for example, the royal begonia. It belongs to the Begonia Rex hybrids and is available in many types. The showy leaves can be variegated or monochromatic. Another magnificent specimen among the leaf begonias is the eyelash begonia. The light green leaves are dark on the outside so that the leaf looks like an eye with an eyelash wreath.

There is also a large selection of flowering begonias that thrive indoors. Here you have the choice between flower colors from white to dark red and small or large flowers - the begonia is not one of the most popular indoor plants for nothing. In order for the eye-catcher to really come into its own, however, the location is crucial.

The begonia is right here

Begonias like brightness. Neither leaf begonias nor flowering plants tolerate direct sunlight. An ideal location is on a north or east window. In winter it makes sense to use a plant lamp that provides enough brightness.

The room should not be too warm. Caution: there are radiators under most of the windows. Begonias do not tolerate very warm, rising heating air. Room temperatures around 20 degrees are ideal.

How to properly care for indoor begonias

» pot and soil

The pot for the plant must not be too big. Match the pot size to the root ballaway. When planting the begonia, also use potting soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. But remember that too much soil will lead to waterlogging. You can take precautions if you create a drainage made of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, or if the pot has a hole at the bottom and is placed in a saucer. Always empty the saucer after watering, however, because wetness from below will damage the begonia.

» Casting

Water the plants regularly with low-lime tap water or with distilled water at room temperature, as this is gentle on the plants. The soil should never dry out completely. The leaves also enjoy the occasional lukewarm shower from the plant sprayer. If there is no moisture, powdery mildew will spread.

» Fertilize:

In order to maintain leaf growth and flowering, indoor begonias need a water-soluble fertilizer. But be careful: freshly potted plants should not be fertilized for about three months. Because commercially available potting soil already contains fertilizer! After that, fertilize once a month during the spring and summer months and at long intervals during the winter.


  • Location should be bright and not too warm
  • water regularly
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Fertilize once a month, less often in winter